
Mtr towing
Mtr towing

mtr towing

Interstate vehicle credentials (cross state lines) Motor carrier start-up information package and reference guide.Motor carrier forms, publications, and videos


  • Driver license status​​​ ​(check status, expiration date, tier level, Fed Med info, physical and testing requirements/school bus drivers).
  • Pay past due IFTA and IRP and reinstate accounts after revocation/suspension.
  • WisCRS - Online IRP and IFTA transactions.
  • WINNDOT Cross-border permit portal (Multi state application).
  • Oversize-overweight permits (Wisconsin only).
  • 72-hour and hunter/unladen trip permits​.
  • Information sheet for more information about this change.
  • Notice: Certain bridge weight restrictions have been updated for Emergency Vehicles.
  • mtr towing

    Major movement of WB I-535 (Blatnik Bridge) to SB I-35 will be closed until 2023. View the Traffic Impact new release​ for more information concerning this restriction. Notice: Emergency load restrictions have been put into place on the Hwy 53 bridge and its approach roadways in Duluth.A customer drop-box for Motor Carrier Services or Oversize-Overweight Permits related materials is located outside of the south entrance of the Hill Farms State Office Building at 4822 Madison Yards Way, Madison, WI​. Notice: The Motor Carrier Services/Oversize-Overweight Permits customer service counter at the Hill Farms State Office Building in Madison, WI is now permanently closed.​This one stop shop provides you with all the information you need to work as a trucker in Wisconsin.

    Mtr towing